Last update: 9/6/2024

This site belongs and is managed by Altitude IKE, with a distinctive title “Novus Winery” (hereinafter “Company”). The Company is based in the 3rd km Old Nat Road TRIPOLIS – ARGOS, Postal Code 22100 Tripoli, with GEMI Number: 159141114000 and VAT ID 801559970. The Company is the controller of your personal data collected during your visit in this Website.

As part of our responsibility for the safety of your privacy and personal data, we make every effort to ensure their protection. This Personal Data Protection Statement provides you with information on the type of data we collect, the purposes of collecting these data, the ways of protecting them, and the options you have on how we use this data, in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016.

Please read carefully this Privacy & Personal Data Protection Policy, because the continuation of the use of this site implies that you provide your consent to the Company to use and process your personal data in accordance with the terms contained in this Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree with the use and processing of your personal data as described here, you should refrain from further use of this website.

We recognize that the protection of personal data is a constant responsibility and therefore we will inform and modify this statement from time to time. Please visit our website from time to time to make sure you are aware and satisfied with any changes.

1. Scope

This Privacy Policy covers all the data we collect through this site or from third -party platforms (eg Facebook).

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any data collecting sites or third -party platforms that are not controlled by us.

2. The Meaning of Personal Data

The term ‘personal data’ means all your identity information such as your name, postal address, e -mail address, phone number, gender, date of birth, which we receive directly from you when you complete a contact form or registration in our newsletter.

In addition, we may automatically collect personal data due to the use of cookies and other tools (such as web analytic tools) information about other websites you visited, your IP address, the browser, the unique device ID, the features of the browser, the characteristics of the device, the operating system, the language preferences, the referrals URL, the information on the actions taken and the dates and hours of activity.

3. What Personal Data we Collect

  • First & Last Name / Company Name: We collect the names (name, surname) and the company names of our customers and the names of our customers’ communication persons when they express their interest in our services or register with our newsletter, or they participate in our promotional actions.
  • Email address: We collect the email address of our customers and our customers’ communication persons when they express their interest in our services or when registering in our newsletter or participate in our promotions.
  • Postal Address: We collect the home or headquarters postal address of our customers for pricing purposes.
  • Other contact information: We collect other contact information, such as the phone number of our customers or our customers’ communication, to provide our products and services better and faster.
  • Pricing details: We collect the details of our customers necessary for the invoicing of our services, such as the VAT and the name of the Tax Office.
  • We strive to minimize the risk of your rights and freedoms by not collecting sensitive personal data that concerns you.

4. How we Collect Your Personal Data

We collect your personal data when you express your interest in our products and services and communicate with us, when we conclude a contractual relationship for the provision of our products and services, when you visit our website and fill in the contact form or enroll in our newsletter. We do not have your personal data for sale to anyone and we only share it with third parties that facilitate the provision of our services to you.

5. How we Use – Process – your Personal Data

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Service our customers: We communicate with you in response to your questions or comments or to provide information or sending products you have requested, as well as for your information about our new products.
  • Marketing and/or promotional actions, such as participation in competitions or emails that we periodically send to those who have enrolled in our newsletter. To the list of persons who have registered to our Newsletters, we also add those who give us their email addresses during our communication and who tell us that they want to receive newsletters. Each newsletter enables the recipient to declare that he/she does not want to receive other newsletters from us.
  • In order to evaluate the statistics on the traffic of our site and make improvements in accordance with the interests and needs of visitors.
  • In order to verify your age and apply age rules because this website is intended for use only by people over 18 years of age.

6. Legal Basis for Processing your Personal Data

The processing of your personal data to provide our company services to you is based on the conclusion and execution of a contract or – at your request – on preparatory actions to conclude and execute a contract.

The processing of your personal data done for marketing and/or promotions is based on your consent. When sending a message of communication and promotions, you will be provided with actions in order not to receive such messages anymore.

In some cases, the processing of your personal data is essential for our legal interests or for the purposes of complying with national and/or European law.

7. Conservation Time of Personal Data

Personal data is only maintained for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected. Once the purpose is achieved, the data is deleted.

We maintain the personal data of the persons who enrolled in the newsletters (and/or our promotional actions) until these persons tell us that they no longer wish to receive newsletters and/or promotional material from us.

For more information about where and for how long your personal data is kept please contact

8. When & How we Transmit to Others your Personal Data

As part of our activities, access to your personal data may also have our interest companies. In addition, we use third -party providers who provide services on our behalf. So, we may need to share your personal data with them. However, we only share with them only the personal data necessary to provide the services we ask for and require them to protect your data and not use it for other purposes.

The personal data we collect from you are stored in one or more databases hosted by third parties established within the European Union. These third parties do not use or access your personal data for any purpose other than storage and recovery in the cloud.

The Company may announce your personal data to its competent employees to fulfill the above -mentioned purposes of use – processing.

The Company, if obliged, shall announce your personal data to the relevant public or judicial authority.

9. Protection & Safe Compliance of Personal Data

Your personal data is protected by the legislation of the European Union and the legislation of the country where it is stored.

We can transfer your personal information to other countries from the country where this information was originally collected. These countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country to which you initially provided the information.

When transferring your personal information to other countries, we are committed to protecting this information as described herein and in accordance with applicable law. We use contractual safeguards for the transmission/transfer of personal information between various jurisdictions (including, for example, the standard European Commission conventional clauses).

In the case of transfer of your personal data to another area, your consent to this Privacy Policy also implies your consent to such a transfer (provided that this transfer will always be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of data and data protection laws and regulations).

We have taken appropriate technical, physical and organisational measures to ensure the security of your personal data in order to guarantee an appropriate level of security against the risks of a breach. At the same time, we allow access to them only to our employees and only to the purposes of processing hereof.

10. Your Rights

  1. Right of access: You have the right to receive a confirmation from us whether or not the personal data that concerns you are processed.
  2. Right to Correction: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data or completion of incomplete personal data.
  3. Right to Delete: The Company upon request is obliged to delete personal data if one of the following reasons apply:
  • Personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or submitted otherwise processed,
  • Recall your consent,
  • You object to the processing and there are no compelling and legitimate grounds for the processing
  1. The right to restrict processing: You are entitled to ensure that the Company will restrict the processing of your personal data when there are any conditions such as:
  • the accuracy of the personal data is disputed by you, for a period of time that allows the Company to verify the accuracy of the personal data,
  • the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of the personal data and request instead the restriction of its use,
  • the Company no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but the data concerned are required by you for the establishment, exercise or maintenance of legal claims,
  • you object to the processing of your personal data, pending verification of whether the Company’s legitimate grounds override your grounds.
  1. Right to objection: You have the right to request not to contact you in the future and to recall your consent.
  2. Right to revocation of consent: In cases where we process your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing for the period prior to your consent.
  3. Right to complaint: You have the right to submit a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority either by submitting an electronic complaint to or by sending a letter to the Directorate of Personal Data Protection Authority, 1-3 Kifissias, PC. 115 23, Athens.

You are welcome to contact us by sending us an email to if you have any question about how we collect, store and process your personal data.

11. How to Contact us

You can contact us for any question about the processing of your personal data from us or to exercise your rights by emailing

12. Modification of Privacy Policy

The Company reserves the right to modify the present by posting an update on this site. Every essential change will be communicated to you in the most appropriate way.

We encourage you to periodically check this page to keep up to date on the current and applicable Personal Data Protection Statement.