Last update: 9/6/2024

Visitors using the website of the company Altitude IKE with a distinctive title “Novus Winery” (hereinafter “Company”) agree and accept the following:

The user of the website must carefully study the terms of use prior to its use and in the event of a disagreement he/she must abstain from any visit and use. The terms of use apply to all the content of the website. Users navigating the site are presumed to have accepted the Terms of Use.

1. Intellectual Property

The information and material contained on the website (indicative: graphics, photos, videos, trademarks, distinctive features, texts) are the intellectual property of the company. Information and material may be used by visitors, but it is not permitted to copy, reproduce, modify, republish such information for any reason, with the exception of the written consent of the Company.

2. Lawful Use

When visiting the website, users have an obligation to comply with the Terms of Use and the current legislation. The users of the website accept that they will make a lawful use of the website, otherwise, they are obliged to compensate the Company for any damage. In particular, and for example, users agree that they will not use the website for:

  1. To damage the reputation of the company or third parties, to offend the personality or other rights of third parties.
  2. To prevent access to this website to other users or to install any form of unwanted content promotion as well as programs or files designed to destroy or restrict other users’ software or telecommunications equipment.

3. Change of Content

All of the information and content of the website and thus these Terms of Use can be changed at the free discretion of the Company without prior notice. Users, when browsing the website after each change, are considered to accept it unconditionally. The Company also reserves the right to suspend or discontinue all or part of the website.

4. Restriction of Responsibility

The Company does not guarantee that the website will operate without interruption and errors. In the event that the visitor finds any error or infringement of the website’s operation, he/she must contact the Company at info@novuswinery.gr. Otherwise, the Company reserves the right to seek compensation for any damage caused by the user’s complaint to any authority without prior notice to the Company.

The company explicitly restricts its responsibility for:

  1. Any damage on the provision of information from the website and the availability of such information.
  2. Any damage, in relation to viruses or any other harmful element for the user’s computer operating system, coming from either the website or the server through which the website is available to the user.

Minors are prohibited from visiting the site, as it contains presentation of products that are exclusively for adults. The Company is not responsible if minors visit the website.

The Company bears no responsibility for the case where the content of the website is used by third parties with the aim of affecting other third parties.

The Company is trying to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on the website, but is in no way bound by their content. The Company is not responsible for any error or inaccuracy in the transmission of information from the visitor, interference, fake identity, incorrect data or non -functioning of the system due to force majeure or any other reason.

The Company has taken all necessary measures to safeguard the security of the provision of services and the confidentiality of the information concerning the visitors of the website. However, it bears no responsibility if, despite the exercise of due diligence, the confidentiality of this information is violated.

5. Personal Data – Privacy

The website accepts the personal data that users register in the contact form. The requested information is: Name, Address, Phone and E-mail.

The company uses the above personal data of users for:

  • Informing them about its products.
  • Sending Newsletters about its products and actions.

The user has the right to request the deletion, correction, modification of his / her personal data by sending an e-mail to info@novuswinery.gr.

Users unconditionally accept and give permission for the Company and its authorized partners to collect, process in any way and keep a record of their personal data within the framework of the operation of the website and for the purposes mentioned here.

The Company explicitly undertakes not to publish and/or notify the users’ personal data to a third party, taking all necessary measures for communication security, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Concerning users’ messages to the Company through the relevant contact page of the website, these are confidential and can neither be completely reproduced, adapted, copied, or transmitted without the prior consent of the user, unless this is requested by the competent authorities in the context of criminal or other administrative proceedings.

However, if the user is requested, he/she is obliged to declare his/her real personal and other data to the website.

6. Cookies

The Website uses cookies to identify the visitor’s identity. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the memory of the user’s computer and do not take note of any document or file from the user’s computer, but are only used to facilitate the visitor’s access to specific services, in order to determine the areas in which the website’s services are useful or popular, or for marketing and statistical purposes. The user can adjust their server so that it does not receive cookies. In such a case, however, he/she will not be able to have further access to these services.

7. Various Arrangements & Applicable Law

The Terms of Use are a single legal agreement between the visitor of the website and the Company.

Any delay in exercising or refraining from exercising a right by the Company does not in any way imply a waiver of this right, which may be exercised at any time.

Any invalidity of any provision of these Terms of Use shall not affect the remaining Terms of Use which shall remain valid and effective. The user expressly and unconditionally accepts that such invalid term will be replaced by another term of equivalent effect by the Company.

In the event of a breach by the user of any term, in addition to any other consequences provided for herein or in any other source of law, the Company reserves the right to terminate, temporarily or permanently, the ability to access its website in its sole discretion.

These Terms of Use are governed exclusively by Greek and European law. The courts of Athens shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising hereunder.